Today reminds me of the day Mimi "graduated" from high school. It was late May, 2006. In Texas, those in public school special education programs can receive services until the year they turn 22-years-old. Mimi had attended school since she was three receiving life skills instruction, as well as occupational, speech, and physical therapy. It was time.
Mimi's graduation ceremony included a handful of her peers at the high school. It was certainly preferable to attending with the thousand regular education students in a huge stadium way across town. As her teacher wheeled her across the stage, Mimi hugged the mortar on her lap. It was too large for her head to wear. I remember how Mimi looked like a baby doll engulfed in the overly-flowing graduation gown. There is a colorful chapter in the book about her graduation. Stay tuned.
Today also reminds me of many other graduations. It is a time of transition, hopes, and dreams of the future.
In 2020, grandson Jacob graduated from kindergarten. Will we ever forget graduating virtually, at home, during COVID? We made it special ... but still! His dad moved Jacob's tassel.
Today I attended the pre-school graduation for my grandson Ben (Jacob's little brother). This was the first in-person graduation at his school since the beginning of COVID. There was lots of interesting pomp and circumstance in the form of a student slideshow, singing, and a little happy dancing. This grandma is so proud! Ben had two lines in the program, and yes, there were tears!
Speaking of graduation, earlier this week I "graduated" from a grief group program. There were no caps and gowns. We each lit a candle and shared a photo of the loved one we lost. And yes, there were tears, but also smiles with thoughtful remembering.